White Fir
Common names: Abies alba, silver fir.
Botanical classification: Abies alba.
Main products: Sawn wood, claddings, ceilings.
Natural attributes - structure - origins: Properties and applications are similar to the wood of Cephalonian Abies. Fine-pored, straight grained, non-uniform. Wood quality is enhanced by reducing the width of the annual rings. The white fir grows in cenral Europe and the northern border of Greece.
Natural durability in time: Non-durable to perishable.
Density: R (0%) = 0,41 gr/cm³ R (12-15%) = 0,44 gr/cm³
Crimping: Radial= 3.8, Tangential +7,6
Modulus of elasticity: 98.000 kp/cm²
Breaking measure: 676 kp/cm²
Drying behavior and stability after drying: Easy and quick drying 60 / 70-75 / 85. Average mobility, fairly stable wood.
Impregnation behavior: The sapwood is permeable, while the heartwood moderately resistant.
Bending behavior: Low degree of curvature. The wood can be easily split.
Working properties - tool blunting: Good treatment, low tool-blunting.
Νailing and screwing: Easy nailing and screwing, but attention is required to the edges of the sawn wood.
Gluing behavior: Good.
Behavior in the dyeing and finishing: Good paint, good finish.
Like the Cephalonian Abies: indoor home building and joinery, interior furniture, based panels etc.